Self-Care: It’s Not OSFA

An old FB post reminded me that ten years ago I was in a rural Providence in Afghanistan during Operation Enduring Freedom. I should have been sleeping to prepare for my long perimeter shift, but instead I decided to paint my nails and my toes, despite them being in thick green socks and combat boots.

Many of us practice Self-care without announcing it to the world, but especially since it has become so mainstream (as it should be), the term has many interpretations. I've been doing my nails as a part of my regular routine and never put too much thought into it. I mean I was in a war zone and spent time doing my nails and putting rollers in my hair (another story for another day). Doing my nails makes me feel like me.

Some folks believe self-care is not about lighting candles and getting Manis/pedis. Some folks believe true self-care is building a life you don't need a break from. Others think it is physical fitness.

Self-care is NOT one size fits all.

I believe self-care is doing what is right for you, no matter what that is. Combining ALL the things to live your best life is what it's all about.  You can live a fabulous life and still want to enjoy alone time, light a candle, or feel even more beautiful than you are by getting a pedicure.

A lot has happened since that FB post in 2009. Today in 2019 while still maintaining a sweet nail bed, my health has changed, my stress level sky-rocketed, and I grew a human. That time in the sand box shaped my perspective for sure, but I remained true to myself.

I still like my Manis/Pedis and I love my pearls.

Back then, I didn't have to make time because my priorities were different. Today, I have to be intentional with making time because a month will pass and I don't even realize it. The last two years have allowed me to find that same young lady who sat in the barracks painting her toes and listening to music.

When prioritizing what's important, self-care/self-maintenance are at the top of my list. After all, I cannot pour from an empty cup, so not doing what I need does not bode well for me or those close to me. 

The list is not all-inclusive, but these are important to me, for a happy, balanced Ciera.

☑️I make lists... For everything.
    Goals for the day (helps me keep track and actually be productive)
    Pros and cons (especially when making major decisions)
    Grocery lists (helps me budget [financial self-care is a thing]) 
☑️Use my Google Calendar and Yearly Planner
☑️Daily Devotions (Prayer/Meditation)
☑️Drink Coffee or Green tea with honey 
☑️Organic Multivitamin and drink plenty of water. 
☑️I have a strict skincare regimen (that includes toning, a moisturizer, and a clay mask) 
☑️Exercise or at minimum daily stretching
☑️Set boundaries to reduce stress.  
☑️Talk with my mentor 
☑️Light candles (right now my new fave is Ivy and Rose Water)
☑️Listen to a favorite song
☑️Sit by myself and do nothing but breathe 
☑️Toddler Snuggles ❤️ (Mommin' gives me the feels [all of them])
☑️Put on make-up (eyebrows at minimum) and my pearls (earrings are a MUST)
☑️Manicure and Pedicure of course

When you think of self-care/Self-Maintenance what does that look like for you?


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